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Meeting Minutes - July 23, 2007
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Martha Waite, Mark Johnson

MEMBERS ABSENT:         Mary Ricker

OTHERS PRESENT:          Dennis Lipka, Dir. Growth Management, J. Crouse, Agent,
Randy Mizereck, Consultant, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM.

Mixter Road: Applicant Jeffrey Larson is asking for a perc test out of season for new construction.   Ralph Romano, Global Engineering Construction, represented the applicant.  The lot was previously tested in 2000 successfully, in the area where the house will be located.  The new testing will be about 200' away.  The parcel is approximately 16 acres, and under the same ownership since the previous test.  They have the USGS site plan, testing data, and wetlands report.  The Board will review and take under advisement.

FAILED SEPTIC SYSTEMS: UPDATES BY J. MORIN: Dennis Lipka, Dir. of Growth Management, advised the Board, to properly notify the owners of Title 5 failure, with a 30 day extension on the 14 day extension.  The three systems do not meet state sanitary code.  Town Council has advised that it is a legal matter.  The Board may take action against the installer.  The Board will take it under advisement.

20 North Street: Lisa Beittel, 20 North St. addressed the Board stating that she does not believe the system is in failure, just needs repairs.  She refuses to deal with Jim Morin anymore.  Dennis Lipka recommended a third party inspection by a licensed professional.  They have 30 days to hire a new contractor.

786 Princeton Street: Blanche Farrell, addressed the Board regarding issues with their failed sand tests.  Dennis Lipka recommended the course of action to take would be through the courts, and a third party engineer.  All parties have received one notification and notice of extension.  There should be an infiltrator test report.  J. Morin agreed to be on site tomorrow, Wednesday, July 24, 2007, to fix the problems.  A plan of action must be submitted to the Board by Friday 4 P.M., with repair done by August 23rd, and a completion report by August 27th.

450 Sterling Road: David Silva addressed the Board stating that a soil sample was taken by J. Crouse, and R. Mizereck has a copy of the sand samples taken.  D. Lipka recommended a third party engineer.  The entire system has been replaced except some sand, which does not meet the requirements.  J. Morin stated that the would like to run a Title 5 inspection after the system runs awhile.  At some time the chambers were collapsed and crushed, and then replaced.  D. Lipka recommended a Title 5 inspection every year for 5 years.  J. Morin agreed to do the inspection for 5 years free of cost to the owners.  D. Lipka asked Holden Sanitation to draw up an agreement to inspect May 1, every year.  He agreed to have a copy of the agreement to the Board by next week.  The tests will also be witnessed by the Board of Health Wednesday, July 24th inspection with J. Morin and R. Mizereck.

M. Waite motion as noted for a 30 day extension.  Motion to amended to include all scope of work and repair by Friday.
M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor.  Notification for all parties begins when the notification letters go out.

PUBLIC HEARING: Chapter 111, Section 31 Hearing, Statutory requirements.  The order was read into record by R. Mizereck.

Pursuant to C111 S31 the following regulation has been adopted by The Holden Board of Health.

No person who designs a septic system and installs that system shall inspect, approve or certify for use said septic system.
A third party Sanitarian or Professional Engineer shall be hired by the designer to inspect, approve and certify said system and submit an As Built septic plan to this board for it's approval.

*Mark Santora, MSPE Inc., informed the Board that he already has a third party engineer do his as-builts.

* Mitchell Gill, Mitchell Engineering, recommended using a design engineer and/or a third party.

* Jim Morin, Holden Sanitation, asked if this regulation was reviewed by Town Council.  Also asked if the Board of Health should do a visual on as as-built.

M. Waite motioned to close the Public Hearing.  M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor.


1397 Wachusett St: MSPE, Inc. Mark Santora, MSPW Inc for Thomas Sims, repair.  These plans were Tabled from the June 11, 2007 meeting for clarification of ownership, lot lines, and two houses on the same lot.  According to zoning, the lot can be separated into 2 lots.

1. Vent to D-Box
2. No wells within 100'
3. Intake vent 10' higher than exhaust vent
4. Presby forms must be submitted and inspected yearly
5. Needs C33 sand test clarification on file
M. Johnson motioned to approve the repairs with conditions 1-5. M. Waite seconded. All in favor, approved.

Miles Ave, Lot 7: Michael Burke for Brad & Jill Erickson, new construction.  This is a 17 acre parcel.  The designer explained the system, and has three sets of the plans.

1. SAS has to be staked by the design engineer.
M. Waite motioned to approve with all three plans as part of the application, and condition #1. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, approved.

488 Wachusett St: James Morin for Claire Hanebury, repair of a failed cesspool. R. Mizereck is concerned with the lot lines. J. Morin said he did find the iron pins.

1. Locate and properly abandon cesspool
2. Approval pending Conservation approval
3. Lot lines must be staked by a registered surveyor
M. Waite motioned to approve with conditions #1-3. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, approved.

715 Mason Rd: Wachusett Environmental for Jonathan Lucier, new construction of a Presby System.

1. Magnetic tape needed on all system components.
2. Needs to be inspected yearly and reports filed at the Board of Health.
3. Needs C33 sand, 6" around chambers and certification on file
4. Needs Presby forms submitted to the Board of Health
5. Intake vent must be 10' higher than exhaust vent
6. Northerly lot line needs to be staked by a registered surveyor
7. Add 'no wells are within 100' of system
M. Waite motioned to approve with conditions #1-7. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, approved.

22 Bailey Rd: Thomas Purcell for Anthony Zingarelli, repair
M. Waite motioned to approve as submitted. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, approved.

547 Quinapoxet St: James Morin for John Mastrotataro, repair. One well service 3 lots, for 6 people. The Board recommended testing the well every year forever. R. Mizereck recommended they hook into the available town water. The repairs have been completed.
M. Waite motioned to deny. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, denied. A letter will be sent to the owner in California (address on plans). The repairs were done without approval of the Board.

NEXT MEETING: August 20, 2007 at 5:00 PM

M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Johnson seconded. All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM.

July 23, 2007 meeting minutes approved: November 26, 2007

Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary